Working like a slave... | I'm Back

Been working like a slave lately doing... well, a little bit of everything. I decided it is time to focus my sight more so i can move on to the next level... 

It's kinda crazy to think I started my own personal website about a year ago and haven't really did anything with it. I originally planned it to be sort of a portfolio for everything I am working on but, in reality it ended up sitting on the back burner. This is ironic to me because if I am completely honest, that is where my life has been the past year. 

That is all about to change because I'm feeling motivated for self improvement. Anyways here is what I'm currently working on... 

What's Going On
  • Personal Website Upgrade - Something I just started but, I'm making some progress. I never realized how hard it is to collect all data on yourself is. 
  • The Review Pre Upgrade -  This is also something that I have been working on upgrading for a while now. this one is a lot further along that my personal one is. I also plan on putting other writers to work soon to. Check it out here -
  • Music - I haven't recorded anything since Zelda's Lullaby a few months back, but I have a lot of projects that I'm about to begin. Stay tuned for that. 
  • Photography - Photography has been the most consistent thing I have been doing lately. You can check to photography section of this site to see my most recent shots. 
  • Sing For Hope - If you have been following me on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram you probably already know that I have became a Artist Partner  with the Sing For Hope charity organization. There will eventually be a Photo Album on this site showcasing my shots from that. You can find out more about Sing For Hope HERE


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